• 2023
    ”The challenges of polarisation: lessons for re-politicising inequality across four English towns".
    with Frensham, Mark; Cant, Sarah; Ebrey, Jill; Glucksberg, Luna; Savage, Mike. In Affective Polarisation: Social inequality in the UK after austerity, Brexit, and Covid-19, edited by J Gohrisch and G Stedman. Bristol: Policy Press.

    “An anthropological perspective on welfare in (post) austerity and (post)pandemic Britain” in Adler, Michael, A Reader in Social Welfare Law, London: Edward Elgar Publishing

    “Changing care networks in the United Kingdom”
    (with Laura Bear, Nikita Simpson, Michael Angland, Jaskiran K. Bhogal, Rebecca E. Bowers, Fenella Cannell, Katy Gardner, Anishka Gheewala Lohiya, Deborah James, Naseem Jivraj, Megan Laws, Jonah Lipton, Nicholas J. Long, Jordan Vieira, Connor Watt, Catherine Whittle, Teodor Zidaru-Barbules) in Eckert, Andreas and Hentschke, Felicitas. Corona and Work around the Globe. Work in Global and Historical Perspective

    “Economies of advice” (with Professor Deborah James) in Aldenderfer, Mark, (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press

    “When politicians fail: Zombie democracy and the anthropology of actually existing politics”. Reprinted as part of Reconfiguring the Anthropology of Britain: Ethnographic, Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by Cathrine Degnen and Katharine Tyler. The Sociological Review Monograph: SAGE Publications

  • Forthcoming
    Special issue on “The rise of techno-moral governance: anthropological insights into value-laden scales of evidence” (with Maja Hojer Bruun and Raul Acosta), winner of Social Anthropology’s annual competition for special issue proposals

    Special Issue on “The state of the welfare state” (with Deborah James). Ethnos 1:22

    Special Issue on “Moral economies of housing” (with Catherine Alexander and Maja Hojer Bruun). Critique of Anthropology 38(2): 121-139

  • Please note that all contributions can be accessed by clicking their respective title.

    Written evidence provided to the UK Parliament on the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Part of the British Parliament’s inquiry into the act, submitted as written evidence to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 Committee.

    ”Anti-slavery and the war on gangs: colonialism, racial capitalism, and the state.” In Global Criminal Law Review, (October 18, 2023).

    ”On slavery, race and criminal justice.” Howard League Penal Reform

    ‘21st Century Slavery, young victims and county lines’. LSE Research Magazine

    “A Right to care? The Social Foundations of Recovery from Covid-19”. (with Laura Bear, Nikita Simpson, Michael Angland, Jaskiran K. Bhogal, Rebecca E. Bowers, Fenella Cannell, Katy Gardner, Anishka Gheewala Lohiya, Deborah James, Naseem Jivraj, Megan Laws, Jonah Lipton, Nicholas J. Long, Jordan Vieira, Connor Watt, Catherine Whittle, Teodor Zidaru-Barbules). LSE Anthropology

    2020 '
    "A Good Death" During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the UK: A Report of Key Findings and Recommendations' (with Laura Bear, Nikita Simpson, Michael Angland, Jaskiran K. Bhogal, Rebecca E. Bowers, Fenella Cannell, Katy Gardner, Anishka Gheewala Lohiya, Deborah James, Naseem Jivraj, Megan Laws, Jonah Lipton, Nicholas J. Long, Jordan Vieira, Connor Watt, Catherine Whittle, Teodor Zidaru-Barbules). LSE Anthropology

    'Urban struggles: governance, resistance, and solidarity' (with Raúl Acosta, Flávio Eiró, and Martijn Koster) Special issue edited for Focaal Blog

    'The Making of Modern Slavery in Austerity Britain' . Focaal Blog

    ”Who are the slave masters of today? County lines, drug trafficking, and modern slavery policies'. Centre for Crime and Justice Blog

    'Everyday authoritarianism: an anthropology of citizenship and welfare in austerity Britain.' LSE British Politics and Policy Blog